The Power of Secure infrastructure.
Cyberattacks cost the United states $100 Billion annually (Source WebFX).
Pro Tip : Users generally have no clue their security has been breached.
Our key services
We intend to solve cybersecurity problems from the root.
Our team has proven experience from Hardware Security to Vulnerability analysis.



GDPR and Compliance

SOC Consulting
(Security Operations Centre)

Corporate training

Pro Tip : Data can be stolen even if there is a password on your devices.

About Us
We're new.
We saved millions of dollars worth of infrastructure.
We've handled great cyber-forensic cases.
We're growing. We're dealing with clients from 5 continents of the world.
We've exposed major flaws in security infrastructures in major financial companies.
CyberSpace offers a wide range of consulting services to serve a variety of businesses and clients. Whether you’re a small, local business or a multinational corporation, we can help you reach new levels of success.
Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and what our team can do for you.
We follow a total Non-Disclosure Policy of our clients and data.

Client Testimonials
Anonymous , C- Level Executive
CyberSpace helped me discover that my computer was hacked and I was losing precious data. They not only fixed it, also helped me strengthen our security measures.
Anonymous , HR Executive
CyberSpace investigated suspicious emails and helped me identify fraud.
Anonymous , Luxury Art company
CyberSpace helped us to decode a malware and identify the major security flaws on our servers .